Senin, 19 Mei 2014


Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.13



Preferences  is a concept  used to say that you like something better than other things.

A.    Form of Expression Preference

A.  1.    PrefeR
1          1.S + Prefer  + to V1
¨      They prefer to stay at home. (Mereka lebih suka tinggal di rumah)
¨      They prefer to go now
  1. S+ Prefer + Nouns + to + Nouns
¨      My mother prefers apple to lemon juice. (Ibu saya lebih suka jus apel daripada jus lemon)
¨      Ratih prefers water colors to crayons when she draws picture.
¨      I prefer Mango to orange

3           3.      Prefer + Gerund + To + Gerund
¨      She prefers swimming to dancing. (Dia lebih suka berenang daripada berdansa)
¨      We prefer playing the guitar to listening to the radio.

A. 2.  Would Rather
1.      S+ would rather + V1
¨      would rather study now.  (Saya lebih baik belajar sekarang)

2.      S + would rather + v1 + than + v1
¨      I would rather eat Mango than eat orange
¨      I would rather cook rice than sew clothes
¨      We’d rather play card than play ball
A. 3.   Would Prefer

1     S+ would prefer + to v1 + rather than + v1
¨      I would prefer to eat Mango rather than eat orange
¨      I would prefer to cook rice rather than sew clothes
¨      They would prefer to sing rather than dance
    A. 4.   Like
1.      S+ Like + Noun
¨      I like animals.

2.      S+ like + Gerund /noun+ better than + Gerund/noun
¨      She likes singing a song better than playing a guitar
¨      I like cooking better than sewing
¨      My father likes reading a news better than reading a novel. 
¨      I like Mango better than orange
¨      I like english better than mathematics.
    A. 5.   Instead of
Instead of  is used  as substitute from : to, than, better than, rather than

  1. Instead of + Gerund/Nouns
¨      I prefer staying home instead of going out
¨      They would rather eat their lunch instead of work
¨      I woud prefer to invite them instead of him
¨      He likes me instead of him

B.     Some Expressing of Preferences
B.1. Expressing Likes
¨      I like animals. I love animals.
¨      I fancy reading
¨      I enjoy watchicng foreign films
¨      I’m keen on swimming
¨      I’m fond cycling
¨      I’m interest about golf
        B.2.  Expressing Dislike
¨      I hate spider
¨      I dislike ice cream
¨      I can’t bear eating onions
¨      I’m tired of shooting
¨      I ‘m fed up with wasting money
        B.3.  Question about Preferences
§  Which do you prefer milk or bread?
§  Which do you prefer to drink juice or mineral water
§  Would you prefer to eat bread or fruit?
§  Would you rather eat bread or fruit?
§  I’d prefer to drink juice
§  I’d rather drink mineral water
§  If I had a choice, I would eat a sandwich

B.4.    At te restaurant
1.  The customer:
§  do you have any free tables?

§  I'd like to make a reservation
   C.    GERUNDS
Gerunds are noun from verbs and give suffix –ing.  They have several functions.

1.    Gerund as a subject
- Swimming is my hobby.
- Fishing is what I like to do most.
- Jogging is an activity that I usually do on Sundays.

2.      Gerund as an object
- I like shopping in a mall.
- Do you enjoy traveling?
3.      Gerund after prepositions
-      She is interested in climbing mountains.
-      They are very fond of playing football.

    D.   Hobbies and Interest

Kinds of Hobbies & Interests:
- singing - shopping – hunting - fishing - traveling - reading
- cycling - playing football / basket ball / chess - jogging - camping
- dancing - climbing mountains –Swimming  - Fishing – Jogging – traveling
- playing  -cooking –collect the stamps –play chess –skateboarding –play piano
-listen to music –watching television –play a game –to hang out with friends 

§  What are your interest/hobbies?
§  What do you like to do in your free time?
§  Do you have any interest
§  What are you keen on?
§  What sorts of things do you do to relax?
§  My Interest/hobbies are... (Gerund+noun)
§  I really like/enjoy........
§  In my free time I like to....
§  I relax by.... (gerund+noun)
§  I’m really keen on .......  (gerund+noun)


Read the text and answer the question!

Abdul has a lot of hobbies. He usually gets up early and he marathon before go to campus. He doesn’t often have time to draw. Abdul often rides bycycle at her housing. He sometimes goes riding alone before go to campus but He usually rides bycycle on Saturday together with his friends. He loves music. He always goes to concert on Sunday. He doesn’t have much money, so He goes to concert in the city.  He seldom watches film or TV because he seldom stay at home. He usually sleep if he stay at home. He often alone because he likes to do something alone to out of stress. But he often too does his activity with one of his friends. He is a nice man.


1.    Why does he usually get up early ?
a.     He gets up early to marathon
b.    He gets up early to draw
c.     He gets up early to singing
Answer: a.

2.    How often he riding bycycle?
a.     He often rides bycycle
b.    He never rides bycycle
c.     He don’t like rides bycycle
Answer: a
3.    What does he usually do at Sunday?
a.     Go to gym
b.    Go to party
c.     Go to concert
Answer : c.

Question for number 4-5
4.      Give the example than hobbies,except ?
a.       Cooking,traveling,and fishing
b.      Teacher,lawyer,and nurse
c.       Writing,dancing,and photography
Answer : b

5.      Do you do anything for fun ?
a.       In my free time I  like to listening a music
b.      My clothes are wet
c.       My father is handsome
Question or number 6-10
      Hello,my name’s pretty.i’m from indonesian and i’m student .i’m 22 years old and i’m single.i live with my parents and i have one sisster and one brother,hera and tomi. my hobbies is reading novel.i like reading novel bacause i love the stories,and i like reading novel 3 hour a day.i’m reading novel in my free time at my home but sometimes i like reading at class.and than my hobbies is cooking some food. My favorite food is fried rice . in my free time often i cooking fried rice and another food for my family.
1.      What is her hobbies ?
a.       Playing musical instrument
b.      Her hobbies is reading novel and cooking
c.       Her hobbies is playing sport
Answer : b.

2.      What favorite food she like ?
a.       Her favorire food is Fried rice
b.      She likes pizza or sandwich
c.       Her favorite food is cake
Answer : a

3.      How often pretty reading novel for day ?
a.       Never reading novel
b.      She is reading novel 3 hour a day.
c.       After cooking she usually reading novel
Answer : b

4.      Where she generally reading novels ?
a.       She generally reading novels in market
b.      She generally reading novels in the class and hospital
c.       She generally reading novels at her home and class
Answer : c.
1.     Explain to me what is Gerund?
2.     What your favorite genre song?
3.     What your favorite president candidate? Jokowi or Abu Rizal Bakri or Rhoma Irama or Wiranto ? and give the reason
4.     What sorts of thing do you like to do to help you relax?
5.     Make conversation about expressing like and dislike !

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